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Design Patterns

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Showing 16 - 20 of 136 total results

Annotated Resources

March 2016

Annotated Resources provide students with the opportunity to reflect on readings and presentations. The readings and presentations as primary documents can be annotated, in multimedia resources, by adding text, voice or video comments. Voicethread (refer to Resources/Technology) allows annotation in documents and presentations by lecturers and students.

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Bringing Life To A Case Study

March 2016

Bringing Life To A Case Study is intended to narrate learning and explain concepts through storytelling combined with a variety of multimedia.  Digital storytelling contains a mixture of multimedia including text, digital images, audio narrations, video clips and music.

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Check Your Impact

March 2016

Check Your Impact intends to encourage students, individually or in groups, to participate in authentic learning activities to establish their impact on the world through globalisation and sustainability.

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Concept Maps for Revision

March 2016

Concept Maps for Revision is intended to sketch course key concepts. The process enables the organisation and representation of information to improve knowledge acquisition and understanding of key concepts and their relationships in a course. The mapping offers an alternative way of providing student revision.

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Essay Checklist

March 2016

The Essay Checklist intends to support students in structuring and submitting a well prepared essay.

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