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Showing 66 - 70 of 136 total results

Crosswords Across Purposes

December 2015

Crosswords, such as Puzzlemaker; Educaplay; Crossword Labs (refer to resources/technology) are often used to supplement lectures and engage students with important course concepts and new vocabulary. The crosswords can be applied to pre-test tools, revision tools, and team-building exercise.

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Student-led Glossary

December 2015

Student-Led Glossary is an individual or group activity designed to engage students with new language concepts in a new course using social technologies.  The products may be shared via Blackboard or other tools (forum, wiki, external virtual channels).

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Build an App, Build a Connection

December 2015

Build an app, build a connection encourages students to engage with each other and teaching staff through the creation of a simple mobile applications that can be shared. This can be either an icebreaker activity in a tutorial or the introduction to flipping a classroom. It can lead to deeper discussions and investigations across a wide variety of topics.


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Networked Learning Through Social Media

December 2015

NetworkedLearning using #Instagram and #Twitter to engage students in the international Fashion Revolution Day @Fash_Rev #FashRev #RMITMOFE.

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Course Mapping New Courses for Constructive Alignment

December 2015

Using a #CourseMap during the #CurriculumDesign process with new course supports #ConstructiveAlignment and supports staff collaboration.  

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