The Essay Checklist intends to support students in structuring and submitting a well prepared essay. RationaleThe Essay Checklist gives students the opportunity to prepare to write an essay. Learners/ContextThe Essay Checklist has been devised to improve students’ essay writing. The Checklist should be released prior to the assignment deadlines to assist students in managing their time and enabling them to concentrate on quality essay writing practices. The release process can be performed by deploying the Adaptive Release in Blackboard. AlignmentThe Essay Checklist supports students in developing their essay writing skills. Instructions/Processes Prior to Semester Decide the key issues to be included in the checklist: Focus on the preparatory, writing, formatting, and self-editing phases of the essay as well as the content included in the marking rubric Tasks to be included in the checklist: Pre-writing Section Analyse the question (make sure you clearly understand what is being asked) Brainstorm the question (record what you already know) Start your research (readings, bibliographic details and references) Plan your essay (points, arguments, relationship to main points) Continue research (further information, strengthen main points) Write (build a logical order for points and arguments) for further information: visit the Learning Lab ( Pre-submission Section Present a range of key themes, concepts and definitions relating to the question Ensure the argument is original and clear, and the structure is logical and cohesive Made use of relevant scholarly journal articles, and additional high-quality reference materials Reference in compliance with the RMIT Business Referencing style; including intext referencing and an alphabetised reference list Professional level of presentation, essay format (minimal subheadings permitted) Clear and accurate writing style Decide which tool to use Google Keep or Blackboard Tasks. Both tools will allow you to create a distributed customised checklist to be used individually by students: For student self-management (private progress not visible to instructors), use Google Keep For monitoring student individual progress (visible to instructor), use Blackboard Tasks, BBLearn and Bb Mobile Learn Using Google Keep Access Google Keep ( Create the essay checklist Click on the Add Note in the centre of the screen Type Checklist in the Add note and copy the tasks into the checklist from the pre-writing section and pre-submission section and any other essay writing task into this box Give your note a Title by typing Essay Checklist in the Title box When you have completed the list you can use the Google SHARE to invite students to make a copy of the checklist in their own Google Environment Students can then engage with the check list checking off items as they complete them Items will move to the bottom of the list with a strike through as they are checked off Please note: You cannot track the status of the independent student check lists Using Blackboard Tasks In Blackboard, access Tasks through the Control Panel or Tools Menu Create Course Task with due dates for each task in preparation for the essay. By default, tasks appear in priority not due date order. So use priority numbering to create an order for the essay preparation tasks Students will check off tasks as they complete them. The instructor will be able to observe student progress and status Visit Bb Course Tasks for further details In class Explain to students the benefits of the checklist and how it works EXTENSION To assist students with time management: release the checklist at various stages in smaller parts and ask students to concentrate on the particular task: Preparation (2 weeks out from submission) Writing (1.5 weeks out) Review/Self Editing (assessment week) Conditions/Critical Success FactorsKnowledge of assignment Knowledge of essay writing Knowledge of Google Keep Knowledge of Blackboard Tasks Resources/ TechnologyRMIT Essay Writing Blackboard Course Tasks Commercial Individual Checklist Tools Forgett Checklists in Google Docs AbstractSpoon Related PatternsAnswering Case Studies Creatively Related Category: Academic SkillsFlipped classroomPersonalisation Login to comment