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Showing 6 - 10 of 136 total results

Easy Peer Editing

March 2016

Peer Editing intends to encourage students to analyse, apply and evaluate knowledge, and give constructive feedback. Peer Editing occurs in a community of practice where collaboration is vital for twenty first century learning.

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Gamification: Mobile Reading Challenge

March 2016

The Mobile Reading Challenge encourages students to read the weekly readings and announcements in Blackboard Mobile Learning which can be downloaded onto devices running iOS 6+ operating systems (smartphone or tablet) for free from the Apple Store.

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Improved Navigation Through A Course Map

March 2016

This activity is intended for staff to develop a metaphorical course map to orientate students in a course. The metaphorical course map can structure the thinking of the various themes in a course and helps students connect the themes to their learning.

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Lecture or Tutorial Highlights

March 2016

Backchannel happens during lecture or tutorial sessions. Backchannel intends to encourage students to collaboratively learn by jointly authoring notes and sharing comments in real-time. 

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Lecturer Audio Explanation

March 2016

Lecturer Audio Explanation provides students with the opportunity to recall and reflect on underlying course concepts. This activity enables staff to exhibit good practice (refer to Resources/Technology) to support student learning....See more