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Showing 26 - 30 of 136 total results

Connecting study with work: Engaging the first year cohort

March 2016

First year classes at RMIT University are high teaching impact areas often with student enrolments at >100, which frequently encompass students studying across a range of higher education programs that require a fundamental understanding of knowledge that is not perceived in their area of study....See more

A whole program approach to Project based learning in engineering - Online group work and eMakerspaces

March 2016

SAMME have identified project-based learning (PjBL) as a critical focus area that provides outstanding student experience and learning outcomes, which includes developing key skills that are strongly linked to employability....See more

A game-based learning tool for a structural analysis course

March 2016

This project attempted to develop a game-based teaching tool to address the issues of teaching complex concepts in structural/civil engineering, scaffolding engineering knowledge and providing valuable feedback to large cohorts of students. A key difference in this gaming application is the embedment of a “concept inventory” approach (Venkatesan et al....See more

Supporting articulation with adaptive learning

March 2016

This pattern outlines an approach to provide templates for online self-learning and assessment instruments capable of identifying and successively eliminating discrepancies between different levels of student learning.

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Virtual Field Trips

March 2016

This pattern provides a recipe for the preparation of a course-specific Google website which is equipped with a template for creation of virtual field trips (VFTs) and acts as a repository for completed VFTs. The VFTs can be of places visited, places which are of interest but inaccessible to a class, or independent field trips produced by the students or staff. 

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