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Design Patterns

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Showing 36 - 40 of 136 total results

Formative Student Reflections

March 2016

This pattern is designed  to increase the level of engagement of students in learning activities, both in and out of the classroom, via global intensives, field trips, WIL (both on and offshore) and to capture student reflections as part of assessment. 

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Diagnostic Recap

March 2016

This pattern help engage and enhance the students experience when partaking in multiple theory based lectures. Typically lectures that present multiple hours of theory in each session, tend to lose students interest in the subject matter, and therefore fail to grasp key concepts.

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Transnational Virtual Teams

March 2016

This project aims to build cultural confidence and intercultural understanding between RMIT students situated in two different countries. The purpose of the transnational project is to promote collaboration and conduct the same learning activities across both locations.

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Building Assessment Rubrics from Scratch

March 2016

Building Rubrics within a teaching team or even with your students improves assessment quality and marking. This Pattern captures the process of building a rubric from scratch for the individual teacher or building a rubric together in a teaching team. The process focus on  developing appropriate language for any assessment criteria. 

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Constructive Alignment for Rubric Preparation

March 2016

The implementation of a solid pedagogical process of alignment and rubric construction will improve quality of assessment and marking. This pattern highlights the process undertaken when aligning PLOs,CLOs and assessment criteria to inform assessment rubrics.

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