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Showing 86 - 90 of 136 total results

Hangouts on Air (HoA) to Create Instructional Videos

December 2015

Using Hangouts on Air (HoA) and Youtube to create and distribute instructional-videos and screen-recordings.

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Preparing Students for Intercultural Experience

December 2015

The global intensives are available only to students studying in Melbourne. However, there is an opportunity for our students based in Vietnam, Singapore, China and Spain to participate in these tours. In the past these students have been denied this opportunity because of difficulties associated with pre-departure and post-tour workshops, conducted face-to-face in Melbourne.

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Hangouts on Air (HoA) and Guest Lectures

December 2015

Hangouts on Air #HoA can be used to broadcast and record live events like lectures, panel discussions, conferences and performances.

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Engaging and Managing International Industry Connections

December 2015

This pattern outlines an approach to foster, engage and manage new International Industry Connections and Partnership Institution relationships to help facilitate an Offshore Global Intensive - Study Tour.

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Online Polling Prior to Class

December 2015

This learning activity involves posting questions on Blackboard and creating an online polling link for students to contribute to and to see if other class member share the same views and understanding on the topic.

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