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Showing 71 - 75 of 136 total results

G+ Community for Augmented Classrooms

December 2015

Google+ Community for an #AugmentedClassroom, extending learning beyond the classroom.

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G+ Community for Mobile Learning and Assessment

December 2015

Using the #G+Community mobile app to capture evidence from the workplace.

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Video Teaching

December 2015

Video Teaching can be used to increase flexibility in your course, or in #feedback and #assessment, or in #studentGeneratedContent and more.

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Student as Producer

December 2015

Students as producers - for community, industry, or to assist others in learning, can help bring relevance, engagement, & positioning #saspconf.

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December 2015

Creating a #UserPersona for the students and staff in a course sets the stage for #LearnerCentred #CourseDesign.

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