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Learning engagement/activities

A game-based learning tool for a structural analysis course

This project attempted to develop a game-based teaching tool to address the issues of teaching complex concepts in structural/civil engineering, scaffolding engineering knowledge and providing valuable feedback to large cohorts of students. A key difference in this gaming application is the embedment of a “concept inventory” approach (Venkatesan et al.

Virtual Field Trips

This pattern provides a recipe for the preparation of a course-specific Google website which is equipped with a template for creation of virtual field trips (VFTs) and acts as a repository for completed VFTs. The VFTs can be of places visited, places which are of interest but inaccessible to a class, or independent field trips produced by the students or staff. 

Diagnostic Recap

This pattern help engage and enhance the students experience when partaking in multiple theory based lectures. Typically lectures that present multiple hours of theory in each session, tend to lose students interest in the subject matter, and therefore fail to grasp key concepts.

Preparing Students for Intercultural Experience

The global intensives are available only to students studying in Melbourne. However, there is an opportunity for our students based in Vietnam, Singapore, China and Spain to participate in these tours. In the past these students have been denied this opportunity because of difficulties associated with pre-departure and post-tour workshops, conducted face-to-face in Melbourne.

How We Live in the World

Rhett D’Costa, Fran van Riemsdyk, Dr Phil Edwards, Lo Man Him Virginia, Grazyna Rosinska (Melbourne), Komen Tang (Hong Kong)

This project investigates how Online Collaborative Learning (OCL) can be used in different locations to initiate communication and
generate ongoing discussion. The guiding principal is to adapt and utilise a user-friendly online platform for students to engage


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