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Online learning

Online learning is a way of studying without needing to attend classes on campus. It is aimed at those who wish to study for a qualification alongside work or other commitments.

Lecturer Audio Explanation

Lecturer Audio Explanation provides students with the opportunity to recall and reflect on underlying course concepts. This activity enables staff to exhibit good practice (refer to Resources/Technology) to support student learning. Additionally, valuable apps: ShowMe, VideoScribe, Narrable, Moovlycan or Powtoon (refer to Technology/Resources) are available for mobile devices, such as ipads or iphones, to explain underlying or difficult concepts.

OER Videos

Open Educational Resources (OER) Videos are useful for learning, teaching and research. OER videos have an open license for reuse under Creative Commons  and can be accessed through the Library Learning Repository.

Annotated Resources

Annotated Resources provide students with the opportunity to reflect on readings and presentations. The readings and presentations as primary documents can be annotated, in multimedia resources, by adding text, voice or video comments. Voicethread (refer to Resources/Technology) allows annotation in documents and presentations by lecturers and students.

Group Presentations

The Group Presentations activity intends to encourage students to participate in team work either through multiple channels or multiple locations. The activity is developed over a number of weeks and is designed to be scaffolded by the work done in lectures and tutorials as the course develops.


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