Drag and Drop Quizzes
A Drag and Drop Quiz intends to encourage students to identify, match and recall main concepts in a course. Drag and drop quizzes can be offered as a variation to multiple choice or true/false questions.
Active learning is a process whereby students engage in activities, such as reading, writing, discussion, or problem solving that promote analysis, synthesis, and evaluation of class content.
A Drag and Drop Quiz intends to encourage students to identify, match and recall main concepts in a course. Drag and drop quizzes can be offered as a variation to multiple choice or true/false questions.
The Mobile Reading Challenge encourages students to read the weekly readings and announcements in Blackboard Mobile Learning which can be downloaded onto devices running iOS 6+ operating systems (smartphone or tablet) for free from the Apple Store.
This activity is intended for staff to develop a metaphorical course map to orientate students in a course. The metaphorical course map can structure the thinking of the various themes in a course and helps students connect the themes to their learning.
Backchannel happens during lecture or tutorial sessions. Backchannel intends to encourage students to collaboratively learn by jointly authoring notes and sharing comments in real-time.
Onboarding Exercise Quiz is an individual orientation activity. It provides students with course information. And lecturers gain a good idea of the “profile” of their cohort.
The Online polling using mobile devices activity enables students to contribute feedback directly to each other and to the lecturer about their combined understanding of a particular concept either synchronously in class or during a webinar or asynchronously as they study in their own time.
Peer Motivation Through Content Curation encourages students to find and analyse information, organize it, share it with each other. Students learn from each other through social interaction around content. The curation can be viewed via a browser or a mobile app and alerts of new content are made via email.
Bringing Life To A Case Study is intended to narrate learning and explain concepts through storytelling combined with a variety of multimedia. Digital storytelling contains a mixture of multimedia including text, digital images, audio narrations, video clips and music.
Concept Maps for Revision is intended to sketch course key concepts. The process enables the organisation and representation of information to improve knowledge acquisition and understanding of key concepts and their relationships in a course. The mapping offers an alternative way of providing student revision.
Essay preparation: Self-test for literature comprehension is intended to prepare students to write an essay. It uses the BlackBoard (Bb) self-assessment functionality to include readings followed by questions of various types. These are graded and, most importantly, clear feedback is provided showing how the readings should have been comprehended.