Rapid building a course

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Rapid building a course

Earlier in the year the Vocational Education Design Team (VEDT) were given the challenge to create two courses with an extraordinarily short timeframe of just eight weeks. To meet the challenge, VEDT pulled out a few tricks to get both courses finished on time. To kick things off, VEDT held a short design sprint session which helped to stimulate everyone’s creative ideas. From here, the best ideas were sorted to find ones that could be achieved within the timeframe, and the course content was planned out between VEDT and the Media and Communications School. The Media and Communications School created the assessments while VEDT designed and built the course content. One of the main challenges was to make the courses engaging and interesting for students and not just a content dump into Canvas. To get around this, a simple narrative about a fictional workplace was created to give the student the experience of how the course content might be relevant in a real workplace. The student participates as a character that has started their first day at a small design studio. Wulan the studio manager guides the student through the day and points the student to the policies and procedures […]

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