Behind the scenes

Behind the scenes

The VE Design Team often creates videos to introduce topics within courses, demonstrate practical tasks, and to capture real world experiences.  My role is to coordinate all aspects of video production, from the hiring of audio visual equipment and talent, to organising the set and location, and assigning tasks to the multimedia and learning designers on the team. All this information is documented in a run sheet. A great run sheet begins with a brain storming session between the project coordinator and the multimedia and learning designers. The purpose of the session is to thrash out filming ideas and requirements. These include: establishing a consistent look and feel, camera positioning, lighting and sound requirements, and ensuring that the clips and images align with the learning objectives. These discussion points are then refined so that everybody knows their roles and responsibilities on the day of filming.   Our latest production involved creating short film clips and photos for the CNC Short courses project and AR app. Students will be able to use the AR app to view the short film clips to further enhance their understanding of CNC machine components and tasks. Building 55 in the RMIT manufacturing precinct was the […]

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