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Online learning

Online learning is a way of studying without needing to attend classes on campus. It is aimed at those who wish to study for a qualification alongside work or other commitments.

Clinical Coding—Virtual Work Integrated Learning

Trish Newstead, Diane Bates, Jeremy Sager

The School of Vocational Health and Science have recently begun delivering an Associate Degree in Health Science. In the second year of this two year program, students have a choice to specialize in Health Promotion or Clinical Coding. Clinical Coding is a relatively new job role in the health sector and there is an increasing demand for graduates to fill such roles.

WIL - Using Online Technologies

Anthos Yannakou, Susan Trigg, Andrew Buntine

This pattern outlines an approach to work-integrated learning (WIL) within the ‘Applied Industry Practice’ course of the MBA program, which provides the opportunity for students to gain work-relevant skills such as how to conduct quality applied industry research, while developing relevant ‘soft skills’ such as communication and presentation skills, and how to work collaboratively in teams.

Using Cloud Technologies for Multi-Program Courses

Dr Mervyn Jackson, Pauline Porcaro, Neil Goudge

The problem is this project addressed was the emerging need to deliver online School based common courses that are high quality and highly inter-active. Previously the course was run online but the only suitable text was not engaging, had a high readability index, poorly described difficult concepts and had no student support or relevant interactivities.


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