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Breaking the Pattern

Design Pattern

: Program, Learning engagement/activities, Early assessment, Personalisation, Student-generated content, Online communication, Online feedback

Breaking the Pattern

Reina Ichii and Cate O’Dwyer
December 2015

The aim of this pattern is to address a problem with engagement in early assessment. The intention of the reflective blog assessment task is to prepare students for development as professionals and to break a pattern of limited engagement in early assessment tasks. Early assessment tasks are for learning—rather than of learning. Students typically do not engage in these tasks because they are not assigned highvalue grades and so they don’t use the opportunity to develop academic communication skills. This early assessment task is an opportunity to challenge attitudes, manage expectations and change behaviours. It attempts to link theoretical foundations of the course to international development practice and to professional development. Reflective writing provides an opportunity for students to increase self-learning, develop insights and improve critical thinking and academic writing. It prepares masters students for engaging in professional development in their future international development practice.