G+ Community for Mobile Learning and Assessment
Design Pattern Tags : Mobile learning, Networked Learning (social media)
G+ Community for Mobile Learning and Assessment December 2015
Using the #G+Community mobile app to capture evidence from the workplace.
Rationale Using a “mobile-ready” approach helped ensure that the work integrated learning environment remained authentic, and that the teaching and assessment tasks caused as little interference with that environment as possible.
With access to the required forms and resources from their mobile phones, students could complete the assessment where and when was most convenient for them.
The application also supports intuitive, quick image uploading, so that students could conveniently and immediately share images captured on their mobile phones, again reducing the disconnect between the work experience and the assessment task.
Learners/Context In the Occupational Health and Safety unit for Sound Production students need to capture evidence of activities in a workplace. Students complete a Job Safety Analysis (JSA) on a work site or in a simulated work environment, completing the form and capturing photographic evidence of any hazards they identify.
Teaching staff posted a number of resources to support students with this in a Google+ Community, including links to digital versions of the forms, examples of the types of hazards, and how-to videos. The project then asked students to install the Google+ application on their own smartphones so they could access these while they were on site, enter into discussion with other participants in the course, and submit their assigned task for assessment, all using only their smartphone.
Identify an activity suitable for mobile learning or assessment that is clearly defined and involves capturing situated activities.
Map the student timeline and activities to ensure there is time for students to become comfortable with the app prior to having any required activities.
Create a Community and populate the online space with content and activities ready for immediate student engagement (for example, a welcome message or video, how-to documents, samples of what is required from the students). (See Manage your Google+ Community for support.)
Get students to opt-in for Google+ at RMIT, and join your Community.
Begin using the online space immediately to model good practice and integrate it into the overall teaching and learning activities, posting resources and modeling how to comment on others’ posts. You can also set up events within the Community to remind students when assessments are due.
Conditions/Critical Success Factors Engage university technical support services throughout the planning, delivery and implementation.
Consider engaging students in developing and moderating the online community.
Resources/ Technology For more information on Communities, see:
Note: To use Google+ features, such as Communities, with your RMIT login you and students must first opt-in for Google+ at RMIT.