Networked Learning (social media)
Networked learning is a process of developing and maintaining connections with people and information, and communicating in such a way so as to support one another's learning. The central term in this definition is connections. Social media can provide one method of networked learning.
Facebook page as a broadcast channel provides first year students, in a core course, with the opportunity to identify theory in action and induct them into the digital landscape of their chosen field, guiding them around key websites, publications and experts through social curation.
NetworkedLearning using #Instagram and #Twitter to engage students in the international Fashion Revolution Day @Fash_Rev #FashRev #RMITMOFE.
Fashion Revolution Day was started to raise awareness about the working conditions in many clothing factories, and is held on the anniversary of the Rana Plaza disaster in Dhaka, Bangladesh, where 1133 people died and 2500 were injured.
Using the #G+Community mobile app to capture evidence from the workplace.
Students as producers - for community, industry, or to assist others in learning, can help bring relevance, engagement, & positioning #saspconf.
Using coursework and extracurricular activity to maintain a website that showcases work and develops a strong online #network-of-practitioners.
Using #Blogger for students to showcase their work and develop a set of skills to create a strong professional #online presence.
Using Hangouts on Air (HoA) and Youtube to create and distribute instructional-videos and screen-recordings.
Hangouts on Air #HoA can be used to broadcast and record live events like lectures, panel discussions, conferences and performances.
Students contribute to an ongoing Twitter feed during a tutorial or lecture with a hashtag that represents their responses or questions to a topic or subject matter.