Steps 1 and 2
Step 1
Determine the wind classification.
This example assumes that the wind classification is N2 33 m/s. This would have been provided by a consultant.
Step 2
Determine the wind pressure (for both wind directions wind 1 and wind 2 in the diagrams).
The required information is:
- the roof pitch (in this example it is 20º)
- the width of the building
- whether there are any flat walls, skillion ends or gable ends.
These details can be found in Table 8.1 and Table 8.2 in AS 1684.2.

Wind classification is N2
Pressure is 0.92 kPa according to Table 8.1

Wind classification is N2 (roof pitch is 20º)
Pressure is 0.6 kPa according to Table 8.2