Please note that this site will be decommissioned on the 28th of October 2022. If you're using this as part of current educational delivery, contact Tim O'Connor ( Teamwork | Learning Design Pattern Collection
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How We Live in the World

Rhett D’Costa, Fran van Riemsdyk, Dr Phil Edwards, Lo Man Him Virginia, Grazyna Rosinska (Melbourne), Komen Tang (Hong Kong)

This project investigates how Online Collaborative Learning (OCL) can be used in different locations to initiate communication and
generate ongoing discussion. The guiding principal is to adapt and utilise a user-friendly online platform for students to engage

Virtual Global WIL

Graham Airey

This pattern outlines an approach to work-integrated learning (WIL) which provides the opportunity for students to coordinate a global project across three time zones, mirroring the manner in which global business operates, and thereby providing students with valuable skills and developing graduate attributes.

WIL - Using Online Technologies

Anthos Yannakou, Susan Trigg, Andrew Buntine

This pattern outlines an approach to work-integrated learning (WIL) within the ‘Applied Industry Practice’ course of the MBA program, which provides the opportunity for students to gain work-relevant skills such as how to conduct quality applied industry research, while developing relevant ‘soft skills’ such as communication and presentation skills, and how to work collaboratively in teams.

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