Please note that this site will be decommissioned on the 28th of October 2022. If you're using this as part of current educational delivery, contact Tim O'Connor ( Google Communities/online communities | Learning Design Pattern Collection
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Google Communities/online communities

Google or online communities provide an online forum to bring people together around particular topics; communities tend to share ideas and outcomes in the online environment.

Group Presentations

The Group Presentations activity intends to encourage students to participate in team work either through multiple channels or multiple locations. The activity is developed over a number of weeks and is designed to be scaffolded by the work done in lectures and tutorials as the course develops.

Preparing Students for Intercultural Experience

The global intensives are available only to students studying in Melbourne. However, there is an opportunity for our students based in Vietnam, Singapore, China and Spain to participate in these tours. In the past these students have been denied this opportunity because of difficulties associated with pre-departure and post-tour workshops, conducted face-to-face in Melbourne.

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