Please note that this site will be decommissioned on the 28th of October 2022. If you're using this as part of current educational delivery, contact Tim O'Connor ( Blended learning | Learning Design Pattern Collection
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Blended learning

Blended learning is a formal education program in which a student learns at least in part through delivery of content and instruction via digital and online media with some element of student control over time, place, path, or pace.

Group Presentations

The Group Presentations activity intends to encourage students to participate in team work either through multiple channels or multiple locations. The activity is developed over a number of weeks and is designed to be scaffolded by the work done in lectures and tutorials as the course develops.

Video Annotation

Kathy Douglas and Belinda Clarence

This pattern documents a process used in the Juris Doctor program to incorporate a video annotation tool into the delivery of curriculum involving simulations and role plays. Video annotation provides the opportunity for students to engage with video material in an active rather than passive mode, and can heighten collaborative group discussion and student reflection.

Flipped Classroom for Delivery of Programming

Daryl D’Souza, Mercy Maleko, Craig Hamilton, Neil Goudge, Meg Colasante

Programming is taught as of first year in Computer Science and cognate disciplines and is known to be challenging (to first year students). In CSIT the key first year programming course is Programming 1.

Typically, and this is a worldwide phenomenon, first year programming courses experience high failure and attrition rates.

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