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How We Live in the World

Design Pattern

: Learning design, Learning engagement/activities, Online Collaboration, Online learning, Teamwork

How We Live in the World

Rhett D’Costa, Fran van Riemsdyk, Dr Phil Edwards, Lo Man Him Virginia, Grazyna Rosinska (Melbourne), Komen Tang (Hong Kong)
December 2015

This project investigates how Online Collaborative Learning (OCL) can be used in different locations to initiate communication and
generate ongoing discussion. The guiding principal is to adapt and utilise a user-friendly online platform for students to engage
in interactive and interdependent activities, which may develop into meaningful and shared discussions in the context of their learning. The main challenge will be to create an environment that encourages students to use online opportunities collaboratively in their fine art education. It is our aim that the project will foster a closer relationship between the everyday experience of learning and the more formal and familiar approaches to learning, and to establish new ways to consider learning across a range of cultural, geographical and social contexts.