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Virtual Global WIL

Design Pattern

: Course, WIL, Reflective practice, Teamwork

Virtual Global WIL

Graham Airey
December 2015

This pattern outlines an approach to work-integrated learning (WIL) which provides the opportunity for students to coordinate a global project across three time zones, mirroring the manner in which global business operates, and thereby providing students with valuable skills and developing graduate attributes. Students take on various roles in their teams, and communicate virtually with teams from the other institutions using Skype and various social media technologies.

Developing a virtual global WIL involving three partner institutions and an appropriate client organisation, in three time zones, provides a rich student experience and an authentic context for the development of global business communication skills.

It can be a complex and lengthy undertaking, and involves many considerations, including but not limited to academic calendars, curriculum, assessment, cultural, legal, and policy requirements, as well as communication strategies and project management processes.