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Rich Media Assessment Portal

Design Pattern

: Course, Learning engagement/activities, WIL, Blackboard (online learning), Online assessment and feedback (Turnitin, Video Assessment, Rubrics, PeerMark, Blackboard), WIL online, Blackboard, Google Drive, Online learning, Turnitin

Rich Media Assessment Portal

Engineering Trades and Neil Goudge, Learning Designer, SEH
October 2015

Trades education lends itself to “learning on the job” and the “Flipping the Trades” project focuses on re-designing courses to make them more flexible and allow students to learn and be assessed in their place of work.

The curriculum design in the “Flipping the Trades” project includes assessment tasks that require students to use mobile devices to access learning resources and record their work performance, which is then submitted as evidence for assessment via Blackboard.

Blackboard Assessment has facilities to do this using Turnitin, however there is a 10MB limit on uploads and downloads. This may not be large enough for some video files. Also, there would potentially be a large number of media files (e.g. Mpeg 4) being uploaded into the blackboard system which will slow down the system and also be an expensive way to store files as Blackboard charge for storage.

You-Tube and Vimeo are not appropriate solutions for students as they pose security and privacy issues.

The proposed solution is to use Google Drives in conjunction with Blackboard for submission and storage of Rich Media artefacts.