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Flipped Classroom for Acupuncture

Design Pattern

: Course, Learning engagement/activities, Blackboard (online learning), Blended learning, Flipped classroom, Video learning, Blackboard, Online learning

Flipped Classroom for Acupuncture

George Lenon, Amy Tan, Suzi Mansu, Angela Yang, Zhen Zheng, Neil Goudge
December 2015

This project involved three courses taught in the Bachelor of Health Sciences (Chinese Medicine) as well as the Masters of Acupuncture. The aim of the project was to provide students with a blended learning environment consisting of online modules (equivalent to chapters), media resources such as videos, and technical illustrations as well as activities and exercises to strengthen the students’ understanding of the basic theories and principles of acupuncture. Each module is followed by a final quiz that students are required to work through, progressing to the next module once competency is demonstrated.

By developing the blended learning environment, the project aims to fully utilise face-to-face class time for more practical exercises and addressing clinically relevant issues.