
Create a Gantt chart

Work out the start date for each task. Remember that the start date proposed is 8 May. Click on the calendar icon Calendar Icon in the start date cell of the task you wish to change (you will need to consult your preceding events table). Remember that some tasks might be able to be done concurrently. This will plot the task on the Gantt chart A Gantt chart is a bar chart which uses horizontal bars on a time scale to show durations for activities in a job. It is named after Henry Gantt who developed them in the Second World War to schedule military operations., taking into account its duration and its relationship to other tasks.

Indicate the milestone A milestone is a marker which indicates the final day of a job sequence. by selecting the 'Set the milestone' button and select again to place the diamond on the task cell. To move the diamond to another task cell, just select the 'Set the milestone' button again and apply it elsewhere.

Identify the critical path The critical path is the shortest completion time possible for a job if all tasks are to be completed. and shade the tasks on the critical path by selecting them. To remove shading just select the cell again.

Check that this stage of the project will finish by the end of June deadline.

Discuss any queries with your trainer.

Select the 'Check answer' button to see a sample solution for this Gantt chart.