Lecture or Tutorial Highlights
Backchannel happens during lecture or tutorial sessions. Backchannel intends to encourage students to collaboratively learn by jointly authoring notes and sharing comments in real-time.
A community of practice is a group of people who share a concern or a passion for learning and teaching, and learn how to do it better as they interact regularly.
Backchannel happens during lecture or tutorial sessions. Backchannel intends to encourage students to collaboratively learn by jointly authoring notes and sharing comments in real-time.
Peer Motivation Through Content Curation encourages students to find and analyse information, organize it, share it with each other. Students learn from each other through social interaction around content. The curation can be viewed via a browser or a mobile app and alerts of new content are made via email.
What’s Your Curation Strategy activity intends to show students how to build a personal curation strategy to manage information resources for retrieval, reflection, reuse and sharing with others for study or work purposes.
The open access site accommodates educational resources with relevant news feeds, original content and aggregations of relevant third party material and acts as an external facing knowledge hub under a common-pool resource (CPR) for the benefit of students.