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Personalising the Flipped Classroom

Design Pattern

: Course, Learning engagement/activities, Flipped classroom, Online assessment and feedback (Turnitin, Video Assessment, Rubrics, PeerMark, Blackboard), Personalisation, Diagnostic online testing, Online communication, Social media

Personalising the Flipped Classroom

Associate Professor Joan Richardson
December 2015

The student cohort in the common core course, Business Computing 1, is very large (approx. 1000), with a wide variance of prior experience.

  • All communication originates from the lecturer, so there is a risk that students are not able to form an effective relationship with their tutor/s, and will perceive the learning experience to be somewhat impersonal.
  • Students with prior knowledge in the business computing area are required to undertake unnecessary reading and activities, resulting in frustration and lower motivation.
  • Tutors previously used standardised instructions/lesson plans which do not allow for them to personalise the workshops to match their student learning profiles.