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Flipped Classroom for Delivery of Programming

Design Pattern

: Course, Learning engagement/activities, Blended learning, Flipped classroom, Group work

Flipped Classroom for Delivery of Programming

Daryl D’Souza, Mercy Maleko, Craig Hamilton, Neil Goudge, Meg Colasante
December 2015

Programming is taught as of first year in Computer Science and cognate disciplines and is known to be challenging (to first year students). In CSIT the key first year programming course is Programming 1.

Typically, and this is a worldwide phenomenon, first year programming courses experience high failure and attrition rates.

Improvements in technology (social media, lecture recordings and rich preview capabilities) coupled with improved teaching and learning spaces have provided opportunities to employ the Flipped Classroom model for teaching programming.

Programming is “activity-intensive” and is best learned through doing (even collaboratively) and, in turn, is likely to benefit from a L&T model that represents a departure from the traditional methods.

Low attendances in traditional lectures (and even in tutorials) experienced in the recent past demands a new L&T model.

If successful, this pilot project could lead to the course being offered offshore, within OUA, nationally and internationally.

Feedback from both students and clients has been very positive, and a number of students have also been employed by companies involved in the course as a client.