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Connecting study with work: Engaging the first year cohort

Design Pattern

: Learning engagement/activities

Connecting study with work: Engaging the first year cohort

May 2016

First year classes at RMIT University are high teaching impact areas often with student enrolments at >100, which frequently encompass students studying across a range of higher education programs that require a fundamental understanding of knowledge that is not perceived in their area of study. This provides a challenge in terms of engaging and maintaining student interest, primarily because students do not recognize the application of knowledge to their field of study. The challenge is to contextualize the content for the range of student cohorts within the one course. This is a global issue within many of the programs offered at RMIT University.

This pattern addresses the implementation of activities that incorporate the flexible delivery of content, including online media-rich interactive learning via the creation of short videos, to illustrate the direct application and relevance of the content and thereby capturing student interest and increasing their motivation to learn.