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Diagnostic Recap

Design Pattern

: Learning engagement/activities

Diagnostic Recap

May 2016

This pattern help engage and enhance the students experience when partaking in multiple theory based lectures. Typically lectures that present multiple hours of theory in each session, tend to lose students interest in the subject matter, and therefore fail to grasp key concepts.

To encourage students to engage with the theories and to aid students level of anxiety within the lectures, a diagnostic recap can be introduced using real time online quizzes throughout the lecture series. The quizzes are developed to highlight any gaps or knowledge breaks between lectures. If gaps are identified, they can be addressed at the start of each lecture before moving on to the next topic. This formative assessment approach enables students to move through concepts smoothly, draw comparisons, deepen understanding and ultimately support them for a final exam. Diagnostic recap also provides timely feedback to students, encourages students to self monitor own learning and can be used as a powerful tool to direct and inform professional development of academic and teaching staff.