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A whole program approach to Project based learning in engineering - Online group work and eMakerspaces

Design Pattern

: Learning outcomes

A whole program approach to Project based learning in engineering - Online group work and eMakerspaces

May 2016

SAMME have identified project-based learning (PjBL) as a critical focus area that provides outstanding student experience and learning outcomes, which includes developing key skills that are strongly linked to employability. The School has made progress in developing PjBL activities, however, there has not been a clear definition of PjBL, which has meant that there have been variation in interpretations between academics.

Furthermore, the approach to implementing PjBL has not been made with a broader program-wide view that considers scaffolding the development of PjBL skills. The project will aim to define PjBL within the context of engineering, and develop a scaffolded set of skills for each year level of engineering study. This will include guidelines for structuring and managing a PjBL activity, and effective assessment instructions. This will be then used to implement an appropriate PjBL activity in every year level in every SAMME undergraduate onshore engineering program.

The development of PjBL across the engineering programs will be supported with an eMakerspace to connect the staff and students and build a culture of experimentation and new design. The Maker movement or culture is one where individuals join together to tinker and design solutions to known problems or to invent new resources.