

A nogging is a horizontal member that runs between studs. It provides lateral support to studs.

The maximum spacing for noggings is 1,350 mm. This means that there is usually one nogging for walls up to 2,700 mm height. Walls in excess of this may require multiple rows of noggings.

Diagram showing a wall frame with maximum spacing between noggings shown as 1350 mm and noggings shown offset by a maximum of twice the depth of a nogging.

Noggings are not required to be stress graded. Nogging thickness must be:

  • a minimum of 25 mm
  • suitable for fixing cladding and linings.

Noggings have to be installed either centrally in the depth of the studs or flush with one face of the stud. This is to provide fixing or support to cladding or linings. Stagger in the row of noggings must not be greater than twice the nogging breadth.