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RMIT University Library - Learning Lab



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Academic integrity

Learn more about what academic integrity is and why it is important.

Calculating from the labels

Video explaining nursing calculations, calculating from the labels using mental calculation and proportionality to determine medication dosage for drugs in solution

Case study report for nursing

A series of videos explaining case study writing for nursing

Converting activity 1

Learning activity 1 for converting between large and small units in nursing calculations.

Converting activity 2

Learning activity 2 for converting between large and small units in nursing calculations.

Converting activity 3

Learning activity 3 for converting between large and small units in nursing calculations.

Converting between large and small units

How do you convert between units? Nurses use units that begin with milli and micro a lot. If you express your dosage in a smaller unit, the number must get bigger, and vice versa. Find out how to...

Converting flow activity 1

This nursing calculations learning activity demonstrates how to calculate flow rates between mL/hr and dpm.

Converting flow activity 2

This nursing calculations learning activity demonstrates how to calculate flow rates between mL/hr and dpm.

Converting flow activity 3

This nursing calculations learning activity demonstrates how to calculate flow rates between mL/hr and dpm.

Converting flow activity 4

This nursing calculations learning activity demonstrates how to calculate flow rates between mL/hr and dpm.

Converting flow rates between mL/hr and dpm

How do you convert IV flow rates? In the previous video, we looked at converting between millilitres (ml) and drops. This time we are converting not only the volumes, (drops and mls) but the units...

Critical incident report for nursing

Short videos and instructions on how to complete a critical incident report and reflective writing in nursing.

Drop factor: converting between millilitres and drops

Drops are just another unit for measuring the amount of fluid flowing into a patient’s system. Discover what ‘drop factor’ means, and how to convert between millilitres and drops. 

Drops activity 1

This nursing calculations learning activity demonstrates drop factor - how to convert between millilitres and drops

Drops activity 2

This nursing calculations learning activity demonstrates drop factor - how to convert between millilitres and drops

Drops activity 3

This nursing calculations learning activity demonstrates drop factor - how to convert between millilitres and drops

Finding the volume required

What is volume required formula? This formula tells us how much liquid-form medication we need to give a patient, considering the strength they need and the source that it comes from. This tutorial...

Flow rate activity 1

A flow rate learning activity for nursing calculations

Flow rate activity 2

A flow rate learning activity for nursing calculations.
