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Case citations

To answer any legal question, you must apply the facts to the law and back up your arguments through citing relevant legal cases.

Getting help with referencing

These resources can help you learn more about why referencing is important, how to reference properly, and using reference management tools to track your sources.

Planning your answer

Legal argument is a process of identifying legal issues, connecting it to appropriate laws then applying those laws to the facts. This example model plan shows you how to find and cite supporting...


Using someone’s words in their original form is called quoting. Learn about using direct quotes and block quotes in your work.

Referencing with Easy Cite

Easy Cite explains the rules of common referencing styles used at RMIT, including RMIT Harvard and APA, along with referencing tips and examples.

Understanding citations

A citation is essentially an abbreviation with a special format. Each citation refers to a different source you are using in your work. Learn how to include citations in different types of...

What is referencing?

Referencing, or the acknowledgement of other people’s work and ideas, is an integral part of academic and professional life.

When referencing isn't needed