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RMIT University Library - Learning Lab



How well your group communicates with each other affects how you work together and how task information is stored, managed and shared. Good communication is an advantage for any group.


Strategy 1: Agree how to work together

  • Write a group charter to outline how you will work together, what expectations members have (“Let’s aim for an HD”) and how you will approach the task. Group members need to agree on the charter and sign it.
  • Example of a Capstone team group charter (PDF)

    Group charter

    Group Charter: member's responsibilities

    All members agree to:

    1. respect group members, demonstrate sensitivity and encourage learning
    2. be fully committed to the group task and your individual agreed responsibilities
    3. work according to the agreed timeframe
    4. give and receive feedback about your work and participate in group discussions
    5. attend all meetings unless unavoidably prevented
    6. agree to resolve conflict according to the group's agreed process as soon as it arises
    7. ensure that all group members contribute equally to the task by addressing problems with tasks as they arise
    8. agree to collectively read and edit the final group report or essay
    9. provide contact details and respond to group communications as required
  • Successful groups make decisions as a group and expect all members to contribute equally to the task.  
  • Share your contact details and agree on the best way of keeping in touch.  
  • Meet face to face where possible to make decisions and work together effectively.

Strategy 2: Identify key roles

  • Identify the skills and knowledge group members have, or might need to learn.
  • Decide if group members should take specific roles, e.g.
    • leader/facilitator
    • note-taker
    • information-gatherer/researcher
    • editor/proofreader

Strategy 3: Delegate responsibilities

  • Assign specific responsibilities to individuals or share them.

    Use the agenda template (PDF) and timeline to record what needs to be done, when, and by whom.

    It is unlikely that you will only have one role/responsibility throughout the whole process. Sharing or exchanging roles can help you develop new skills.