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Quiz states of matter




Select the correct answer from the available options.
1) Which statement correctly describes the volume and shape of a gas?
2) Which of the following is a state of matter?
3) Which of the follow terms best describes the conversion of a solid to a liquid?
4) Which of the following statement describes a chemical property?
5) Which of the following is a chemical property?
6) Which of the following is a physical property?
7) Which of the following is a heterogeneous mixture?
8) Which of the following is an element?
9) Which of the following is a pure substance?
10) Which of the following statements is true?
11) Which of the following substances takes the shape of the container and has a definite volume?
12) Sulphuric acid is a highly corrosive strong mineral acid composed of H, S and O atoms. Pure sulphuric acid has a melting point of 10°C and a boiling point of 337°C. What is the physical state of sulphuric acid at room temperature (25°C)?
13) Methane is a gas that is also the main component of natural gas. It has a melting point of -182°C and a boiling point of -161.6°C. In what state does it exist at room temperature (25°C)?
14) Which of the following statements is true?
15) Which of the following is a physical change?