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Periodic table quiz


Take this quiz to test your knowledge of the periodic table

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How many valence electrons does each of the following atoms have: (a) \(\ce{P}\) (b) \(\ce{Sc}\) (c) \(\ce{F}\) (d) \(\ce{Ca}\) (e) \(\ce{Fe}\)?


The group numbers of these elements can be used to determine the number of valence electrons. For groups \(1-10\), group number equals to the number of valence electrons. For groups \(12-18\), subtract \(10\) out of the group number to get the valence electrons. For group \(11\), the number of valence electrons can be anticipated as \(1\) due to the \(s^{1}\) electron configuration. However, there are a few exceptions in this case.

Element Group number Valence electrons
\(\ce{P}\) \(15\) \(15-10=5\)
\(\ce{Sc}\) \(3\) \(3\)
\(\ce{F}\) \(17\) \(17-10=7\)
\(\ce{Ca}\) \(2\) \(2\)
\(\ce{Fe}\) \(8\) \(8\)

Predict which atom is larger for the following pairs of atoms:
(a) \(\ce{C}\) and \(\ce{F}\)
(b) \(\ce{Na}\) and \(\ce{Cs}\)
(c) \(\ce{Sc}\) and \(\ce{Ni}\)


Each atom’s position in the periodic table and atomic number can be used to predict its atomic size.
(a) \(\ce{C}\) (\(Z=6\)) and \(\ce{F}\) (\(Z=9\)) are located in the second period. When moving across a period from left to right atomic radii decrease as a result of increasing Z. \(\ce{C}\) lies to the left of \(\ce{F}\) in the same row. Therefore, \(\ce{C}\) is larger than \(\ce{F}\).
(b) \(\ce{Na}\) (\(Z=11\)) and \(\ce{Cs}\) (\(Z=55\)) are located in group 1. Atomic radii increase from top to bottom of the periodic table as \(n\) increases. \(\ce{Cs}\) is located below \(\ce{Na}\) in the same column. Thus, \(\ce{Cs}\) has a larger radius than \(\ce{Na}\).
(c) \(\ce{Sc}\) (\(Z=21\)) and \(\ce{Ni}\) (\(Z=28\)) are located in the same row of the \(d\) block. Across \(d\) block and \(f\) block, atomic radii change is not significant. Therefore, \(\ce{Sc}\) and \(\ce{Ni}\) approximately have the same radius.


  1. Which of the following set of elements possess similar chemical properties?
  1. \(\ce{_{19}K}\) and \(\ce{_{29}Cu}\)
  2. \(\ce{_{13}Al}\) and \(\ce{_{14}Si}\)
  3. \(_{17}\ce{Cl}\) and \(\ce{_{53}I}\)
  4. \(\ce{_{11}Na}\) and \(\ce{_{12}Mg}\)

c \(_{17}\ce{Cl}\) and \(\ce{_{53}I}\)

  1. Which of the following statements is true regarding the periodic table?
  1. The horizontal rows in the periodic table are known as groups
  2. The verticle columns in the periodic table are known as periods
  3. In the periodic table, when the atomic number increases, the properties of the elements repeat regularly
  4. The periodic table is classified into blocks based on the electron filling pattern into shells

c In the periodic table, when the atomic number increases, the properties of the elements repeat regularly

  1. Which of the following sets of elements are metals?
  1. \(\ce{_{1}H}\) and \(\ce{_{3}Li}\)
  2. \(\ce{_{26}Fe}\) and \(\ce{_{29}Cu}\)
  3. \(\ce{_{8}O}\) and \(\ce{_{16}S}\)
  4. \(\ce{_{5}B}\) and \(\ce{_{14}Si}\)

b \(\ce{_{26}Fe}\) and \(\ce{_{29}Cu}\)

  1. Which of the following sets of elements are nonmetals?
  1. \(\ce{_{2}He}\) and \(\ce{_{17}Cl}\)
  2. \(\ce{_{1}H}\) and \(\ce{_{20}Ca}\)
  3. \(\ce{_{14}Si}\) and \(\ce{_{33}As}\)
  4. \(\ce{_{11}Na}\) and \(\ce{_{12}Mg}\)

a \(\ce{_{2}He}\) and \(\ce{_{17}Cl}\)

  1. Which of the following elements is a metalloid?
  1. \(\ce{_{7}N}\)
  2. \(\ce{_{14}Si}\)
  3. \(\ce{_{27}Co}\)
  4. \(\ce{_{53}I}\)

b \(\ce{_{14}Si}\)

  1. Which of the following properties are unique to metals?
  1. Little or no metallic lustre (dull appearance)
  2. Poor conductors of electricity and heat
  3. Solids under room temperature
  4. Low melting points

c Solids under room temperature

  1. The element highlighted in red in the given periodic table is a
  1. Alkali metal
  2. Alkaline earth metal
  3. Halogen
  4. Noble gas

b Alkaline earth metal

  1. Element 4 in the given periodic table is a?

Element 4 is fourth from the top in the right hand column

  1. Alkali metal
  2. Alkaline earth metal
  3. Halogen
  4. Noble gas

d Noble gas

  1. Which of the highlighted elements in the given periodic table is an alkali metal as well as an \(s\) block element?

Element 1 is second from the left in the second row, 2 is second from the right in the third row, 3 is farthest left in the fourth row, 4 is farthest right in the fourth row

  1. Element 1
  2. Element 3
  3. Element 4
  4. Element 2

b Element 3

  1. Which of the following statements is true regarding the highlighted elements in the given periodic table?

Element 1 is second from the left in the second row, 2 is second from the right in the third row, 3 is farthest left in the fourth row, 4 is farthest right in the fourth row

  1. Element 2 is a halogen as well as a \(p\) block element
  2. Element 1 is a noble gas
  3. Element 4 is a halogen as well as a \(p\) block element
  4. Elements 1 and 3 belongs to the \(d\) block

a Element 2 is a halogen as well as a \(p\) block element

  1. Which of the following statements classify the given electron configurations correctly?
  1. \(1s^{2}\,2s^{2}2p^{6}\) - \(d\) block element
  2. \(1s^{2}\,2s^{2}2p^{6}\,3s^{2}\)- \(p\) block element
  3. \(1s^{2}\,2s^{2}2p^{6}\,3s^{2}3p^{6}3d^{2}\,4s^{2}\)- \(f\) block element
  4. \(1s^{2}\,2s^{1}\)- \(s\) block element

d \(1s^{2}\,2s^{1}\)- \(s\) block element

  1. Which of the following statements is incorrect?
  1. Representative elements are found in \(s\) area and the first five columns of \(p\) area
  2. Transition elements are found in \(d\) area, and they are all metals
  3. Inner transition elements are found in \(f\) area, and they are all nonmetals
  4. Noble gases are found in the last column of the \(p\) area, and they are all nonmetals

c Inner transition elements are found in \(f\) area, and they are all nonmetals

  1. How many valence electrons does \(\ce{_{11}Na}\) have?
  1. \(1\)
  2. \(11\)
  3. \(9\)
  4. \(3\)

a \(1\)

  1. How many valence electrons does Group \(13\) have?
  1. \(13\)
  2. \(3\)
  3. \(5\)
  4. \(10\)

b \(3\)

  1. How many valence electrons does \(\ce{_{27}Co}\) have?
  1. \(1\)
  2. \(6\)
  3. \(9\)
  4. \(10\)

c \(9\)

  1. Which of the following atoms has the largest atomic radius?
  1. \(\ce{C}\)
  2. \(\ce{F}\)
  3. \(\ce{Be}\)
  4. \(\ce{Mg}\)

d \(\ce{Mg}\)

  1. Which of the following pairS of atoms has nearly the same size?
  1. \(\ce{Li}\) and \(\ce{K}\)
  2. \(\ce{Al}\) and \(\ce{Cl}\)
  3. \(\ce{Ne}\) and \(\ce{Kr}\)
  4. \(\ce{Cr}\) and \(\ce{Co}\)

d \(\ce{Cr}\) and \(\ce{Co}\)

  1. Arrange the following atoms in order of increasing first ionisation energy.
    \(\ce{S}\), \(\ce{Ar}\), \(\ce{$\ce{Mg}$ }\), \(\ce{Sr}\) and \(\ce{Ba}\)
  1. \(\ce{Ba}\) \(<\) \(\ce{Sr}\) \(<\) \(\ce{Mg}\) \(<\) \(\ce{S}\) \(<\) \(\ce{Ar}\)
  2. \(\ce{Ba}\) \(<\) \(\ce{Mg}\) \(<\) \(\ce{S}\) \(<\) \(\ce{Sr}\) \(<\) \(\ce{Ar}\)
  3. \(\ce{Ar}\) \(<\) \(\ce{Sr}\) \(<\) \(\ce{Mg}\) \(<\) \(\ce{S}\) \(<\) \(\ce{Ba}\)
  4. \(\ce{Ba}\) \(<\) \(\ce{Mg}\) \(<\) \(\ce{Sr}\) \(<\) \(\ce{S}\) \(<\) \(\ce{Ar}\)

a \(\ce{Ba}\) \(<\) \(\ce{Sr}\) \(<\) \(\ce{Mg}\) \(<\) \(\ce{S}\) \(<\) \(\ce{Ar}\)

  1. Which of the following elements has the lowest first ionisation energy?
  1. \(\ce{Rb}\)
  2. \(\ce{Mo}\)
  3. \(\ce{Ag}\)
  4. \(\ce{Cs}\)

d \(\ce{Cs}\)

  1. Which of the following statements is true?
  1. First ionisation energy increases with increasing atomic radii
  2. First ionisation energy increases with decreasing atomic radii
  3. First ionisation energy of two \(d\) block elements located in the same period changes significantly
  4. First ionisation energy increases down a group

b First ionisation energy increases with decreasing atomic radii

  1. Which of the following statements is incorrect regarding the electron affinity?
  1. Electron affinity is the energy change when an electron is added to a free atom in the gaseous phase
  2. Electron affinity becomes more negative when moving across a period
  3. Electron affinity increases down a group
  4. There is no clear trend in electron affinity as \(n\) increases

c Electron affinity increases down a group

  1. Predict which of the following atoms has the most negative electron affinity.
  1. \(\ce{K}\)
  2. \(\ce{Ti}\)
  3. \(\ce{As}\)
  4. \(\ce{Br}\)

d \(\ce{Br}\)

  1. Which of the following elements has the highest electronegativity?
  1. \(\ce{P}\)
  2. \(\ce{F}\)
  3. \(\ce{Cl}\)
  4. \(\ce{Br}\)

b \(\ce{F}\)

  1. As you move from top to bottom in a group of the periodic table
  1. Atomic radii decreases
  2. First ionisation energy increases
  3. Electronegativity decreases
  4. Electron affinity increases

c Electronegativity decreases

  1. Arrange the following atoms in order of increasing electronegativity.
    \(\ce{N}\), \(\ce{O}\), \(\ce{S}\), \(\ce{Se}\)
  1. \(\ce{Se}\) \(<\) \(\ce{S}\) \(<\) \(\ce{N}\) \(<\) \(\ce{O}\)
  2. \(\ce{Se}\) \(<\) \(\ce{N}\) \(<\) \(\ce{S}\) \(<\) \(\ce{O}\)
  3. \(\ce{Se}\) \(<\) \(\ce{S}\) \(<\) \(\ce{O}\) \(<\) \(\ce{N}\)
  4. \(\ce{O}\) \(<\) \(\ce{S}\) \(<\) \(\ce{N}\) \(<\) \(\ce{Se}\)

a \(\ce{Se}\) \(<\) \(\ce{S}\) \(<\) \(\ce{N}\) \(<\) \(\ce{O}\)