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RMIT University Library - Learning Lab

Critical reading activity


This activity takes you through the process involved in reading a text (article or report) for an assignment or when doing research for a thesis.

You start with an assignment task or a research question. Then you follow steps that help you read efficiently and think critically. You can use an article relevant to your own research or the article on authentic leadership provided. A template for note-making is provided or you can create your own.

When you finish this reading activity, you will have:

  • obtained a good understanding of the main ideas in your chosen text (article or report)
  • evaluated the strengths and weaknesses of the text
  • made notes summarising the article which you can refer to when writing your essay, report or thesis
  • developed skills in critical reading and note-making.

Before you start

Choose an article relevant to your research.


Open the article provided:
What skills are learned at university? Views of students and working adults

Martini, T., Frangella, L. ., & Vandervlist, M. (2021). What Skills are Learned at College? : Views of College Students and Working Adults.(2).