In-text referencing when using direct quotes from a document on a website where there is an authorising body/institution/corporation but no named author.

There are two options for in-text referencing:

  1. Adding a citation at the end of a sentence.
  2. Using the author's name as part of your sentence.

Essential information to include:

  • The name of the organisation.
  • The year of publication of the document.
  • The page reference.
  • Place a comma between the year and the page number.
  • Write the page number(s) as p. 21 or pp. 21-23.
  • Leave a space between the p. and the number.
  • Use ‘single’ inverted commas to indicate the quotation.

The following sentences have been taken from:

Office of Fair Trading 2007, Consumer building guide, Office of Fair Trading for consumers and traders, NSW, viewed 28 August 2007, <>.

(a) The Office of Fair Trading (January 2007, p. 9) requires that 'if cost of labours and materials exceed $12,000, the law gives you a cooling-off period of five clear working days'.


(b) 'If cost of labours and materials exceed $12,000, the law gives you a cooling-off period of five clear working days '(Office of Fair Trading January 2007, p. 9).


  • You need to include page numbers when quoting.
  • Use single inverted commas to identify the quote.
  • The full stop is placed after the bracket when the citation is at the end of the sentence (See - Example b).