In-Text referencing when using direct quotes from Film, video, TV or Radio.

There are two options for in text referencing:

  1. Adding a citation at the end of a sentence.
  2. Using the title of the program, as part of your sentence.

Essential information to include:

  • The title of the programme – in italics
  • The date

Examples of in-text referencing when using direct quotes

(a) When interviewed on the Dateline program (October 10, 2007), Kama Kultala, a Buddhist monk reported, ‘they arrested thousands of monks, disrobed them to make them ordinary people, and planned to send them to the frontier into forced labour’.


(b) Kama Kultala, a Buddhist monk reported, ‘they arrested thousands of monks, disrobed them to make them ordinary people, and planned to send them to the frontier into forced labour’ (Dateline, October 10, 2007).