Reference List entry for a journal article with one author

Essential Information to include:

  • Author(s) Family name, Initials of first name
  • Year of publication
  • ‘Title of article’ – note use of ‘single’ inverted commas, and minimum use of capital letters
  • Title of Journal – in italics ( to identify the journal name.) Use capital letters for all words except for words such as, on, and, in, for
  • Month
  • Volume: vol.
  • Number: no.
  • Issue: issue
  • Page(s) p. or pp. (for whole article)

Additional information to include if using electronic journals:

  • Viewed - day, month year
  • Database

Hoge, J 2004, 'A global power shift in the making', Foreign Affairs, July, vol. 83, issue 4, p. 2.

Example of reference list entry if using electronic journals:

Hoge, J 2004, 'A global power shift in the making', Foreign Affairs, July, vol. 83, issue 4, p. 2, viewed 28 August 2007, Proquest Database.

exercise icon

Reference list entry using a journal article with one author.

Referencing information for a journal article needs to be written in this order:

Year of publication
‘Title of article’
Title of Journal

Additional information to include if using electronic journals

  • Viewed - day, month year
  • Database

(a) The following example contains all the information needed for the reference list entry, but it is not written in the correct order or format required by your lecturers.

Title of article: Exploring the synergy between entrepreneurship and innovation 2005
Author: Zhao, Fang
Journal Name: International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research
Volume: 1
Number: 1
Page: 25-41

Additional information to include if using electronic journals

  • Viewed - day, month year
  • Database

From the information given above, write the reference list entry in the text area below:

Superscript Italic Undo Redo  


(b) From the examples below, click on the correct reference list entry: