In-text referencing when paraphrasing from a published conference paper with more than three authors.
There are two options for in-text referencing:
- Adding a citation at the end of a sentence.
- Using the author’s name as part of your sentence.
Essential information to include:
- Use only the family name of the first writer, followed by the words ‘et al.’ (Latin for ‘and others’).
- No initials are required.
- You must also identify the year of publication.
The following sentences were paraphrased from:
Bartlett, KR, Lawler, JJ, Bae, J, Chen, S and Wan, TW 2001, 'A study of human resource development in indigenous firms and multi-national corporations in East and Southeast Asia', in OA Aliaga (ed.), Academy of Human Resource Development: proceedings of the 2001 conference, Tulsa, Oklahoma, February 28 - March 4, 2001, Academy of Human Resource Development, Los Angeles, U.S., pp. 71-77.
(a) Bartlett et al. (2001) suggest there is a realisation that the role of human resource development (HRD) needs to shift from a traditional role of selection, training and supporting, to one that includes the needs of employees and managers who work across global markets in multinational organisations.
(b) there is a realisation that the role of human resource development (HRD) needs to shift from a traditional role of selection, training and supporting, to one that includes the needs of employees and managers who work across global markets in multinational organisations (Bartlett et al. 2001).
- Do not add page numbers or quotation marks when paraphrasing.
- The full stop is placed after the bracket when the citation is at the end of the sentence (See - Example b)
In-text referencing when paraphrasing from a conference paper with more than three authors.
The following sentence has been taken from:
Johnson, SD, Berrett, JV, Suriya, C, Yoon, SW & La Fleur, J 2001, ‘ Team development and group processes of virtual learning teams’, in OA Aliaga (ed.), Academy of human resource development: proceedings of the 2001 conference, Tulsa, Oklahoma, February 28 - March 4, 2001, Academy of Human Resource Development, Los Angeles, U.S., pp. 166-173.
Choose the correct citation from the box below for each of the examples given.