Reference List entry for a book with more than three authors.
Essential Information to include:
- Authors Family names of all authors, initials
- Year of publication
- Title of book - written in italics
- Edition - include if the book is a second or subsequent edition. Do not include if the book is a first edition
- Publisher
- Place - if the place is not well known, add the state or country
Fisher, G, Hughes, R, Griffin, R & Pustay, M 2006, International business: managing in the AsiaPacific, 3rd edn, Pearson Education Australia, Frenchs Forest, NSW.

Reference list entry using a book with more than three authors.
Referencing information for a book needs to be written in this order:
Year of publication
Title of book
(a) The following example contains all the information needed for the reference list entry, but it is not written in the correct order or format required by your lecturers.
Title: | Small business management : an entrepreneurial emphasis |
Authors: | Longenecker, Justin G, Moore, Carlos W, Petty, J.W, Palich, Leslie, E |
Edition: | 12th edition |
Publisher: | Thomson South-Western, 2003. |
Location: | Mason, Ohio |
From the information given above, write the reference list entry in the text area below:
(b) From the examples below, click the correct reference list entry: