In-text referencing when using direct quotes from a book with more than three authors.

How do I reference in-text when using direct quotes

There are two options for in-text referencing:

  1. Adding a citation at the end of a sentence.
  2. Using the authors' names as part of your sentence.

Essential information to include:

  • Family name of the first writer, followed by the words ‘et al’. (Latin for ‘and others’).
  • No initials are required.
  • The year of publication.
  • Place a comma between the year and the page number.
  • Write  the page number/s as p. 95 or pp. 95- 97.
  • Leave a space between the p. and the number.
  • Use ‘single’ inverted commas, to indicate the quotation.

Examples of in-text referencing when using direct quotes

The following sentences have been taken from:

Quinn, RE, Faerman, SR, Thompson, MP & McGrath, MR 2003, Becoming a master manager: a competency framework, 3rd edn, John Wiley & Sons, USA.

(a)  Quinn et al. (2003, pp. 77 -78) suggest that changes in management style have been brought about largely as a result of global competition ranging from ‘encouraging managers to listen to employees’ ideas about work improvements: to creating large-scale participation programs such as quality circles, labor-management quality of work life committees, and self-managed work teams.’


(b) Global competition has necessitated changes in management styles ranging from 'encouraging managers to listen to employees' ideas about work improvements: to creating large-scale participation programs such as quality circles, labor-management quality of work life committees, and self-managed work teams' (Quinn et al. 2003, pp. 77 -78).


  • The full stop is placed after the bracket when the citation is at the end of the sentence. (See - Example b).
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In-text referencing using direct quotes from a book with more than three authors.

The following sentence has been taken from:
Quinn, RE, Faerman, SR, Thompson, MP & McGrath, MR 2003, Becoming a master manager: a competency framework, 3rd edn, John Wiley & Sons, USA.

Choose the correct citation from the box below for each of the examples given. Click and drag the correct citation to the lines indicated.
