Preparing evidence for RPL
You have indicated that you wish to provide your RCC/RPL assessor with evidence to support the RCC/RPL process for the unit BCGBC4010A Apply structural principles to residential low-rise constructions. In preparing this evidence you may find the following downloadable documents helpful.
This provides a checklist of the types of things you will need to do or provide evidence of in order to demonstrate competency in this unit.
The interview questions are samples of the types of questions that you might be asked by the RCC/RPL assessor. They are designed to test your underpinning knowledge in this competency.
The work sample shows how others have met the evidence requirements for the RCC/RPL process for this competency. It contains examples of the information that your RCC/RPL assessor needs to see.
This link takes you to the National Training Information Service (NTIS) website where you can search for the competency by name or code.
When you have gathered your evidence for this competency contact a registered training organisation who will assist you with the formal RPL process.